Saturday, January 16, 2010


The cousins are here! They are here but a lot of them are sick! So there aren't many who are actually up to do stuff. It's like right when they cmae here they decided to get sick! I know that it is not their fault that they got sick but it is just maddening because we never get to see them. Me and my cousin Natalie have been playing all this stuff that I haven't played since I was 5 which was 7 years ago. Boy am I old! We have been playing baby dolls and animal shelter and with all this other stuff that makes me want to go back in time so I could play it again and again. But sadly she is sick and will hopefully get better by tomorrow since it is her last full day with us. :(
We went bowling today and boy was it hard! I think I like my wii bowling score better than my real bowling score. ;)

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