Sunday, January 24, 2010

A Book To Read

I have two good books that people should read and they are both turning into movies. The first one is called The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks! It is one of my faves as you can see in my profile. It is coming to the theatres in April I think but I am not quite sure. The next book is Percy Jackson and the Olympians by someone who I don't know the name of. It is another really good book that I just started reading. My brother loves it too as you can see in his blog if you check it out. It is coming to theatres in February on Presidents Day! I am going to see it with my brother and his friends. Well what are you waiting for? Go read them! Oh you don't have them. Well go check them out from your public library!

Monday, January 18, 2010


I am very lonely now that the cousins have left. The house is so quiet it is kind of freaking me out. Today has been a family day and we are playing wii and board games. I am not sure what I am going to do later on today as it is only 2:17 in the afternoon.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Haiti needs YOUR help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everybody should think about doing something for Haiti! If you are wondering why and you haven't heard what happened there I will tell you. A massive earhtquake struck there destroying families, homes, people and many other things. If you are thinking I am not capable of making a difference, think again! You could do the smallest thing and it could impact somebody's life. That's right! I knew you would decide to do the right thing! I still haven't decided what I am going to do but I will think of something! Just remember YOU could change someone's life by doing something that you think is small!


The cousins are here! They are here but a lot of them are sick! So there aren't many who are actually up to do stuff. It's like right when they cmae here they decided to get sick! I know that it is not their fault that they got sick but it is just maddening because we never get to see them. Me and my cousin Natalie have been playing all this stuff that I haven't played since I was 5 which was 7 years ago. Boy am I old! We have been playing baby dolls and animal shelter and with all this other stuff that makes me want to go back in time so I could play it again and again. But sadly she is sick and will hopefully get better by tomorrow since it is her last full day with us. :(
We went bowling today and boy was it hard! I think I like my wii bowling score better than my real bowling score. ;)

Saturday, January 9, 2010


It snowed last night! Can you believe it? I love snow so much! I love laying in the snow with snow flakes falling on my face! It feels snow-riffic!

How many times did I say snow, snowflakes,snowed?

Correct answer:
5 times

Friday, January 8, 2010


I am so happy it is the weekend. I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo tired from getting up so early in the morning.I can't wait to sleep in tomorrow morning!

Thursday, January 7, 2010


I had a great Christmas! I woke up at 6:00 and layed in bed for a while. At 6:15 I had had enough of waiting around for my brothers to wake up. I went into their room and it turns out they were awake. We ran downstairs to open our stockings. We had to be quiet though because our cousin and aunt and uncle were sleeping in the other room.  I got in my stocking some hair stuff and an iTunes gift card for my new, recently bought, blue iPod nano! I new what I was going to spend it on! Then we waited a while to wake up our parents. When we woke them up, we ran downstairs again to our tree. There were presents under the tree of course! I opened up one of my presents. It was another iTunes gift card! Then my brothers went. I opened up the next present. It was a hat, gloves, and scarf set with my favorite colors in it! Then my brothers went. The next present I opened up was a curling iron. I did my hair that day. It was very beautiful. My old profile picture had a picture of me with curly hair. Me and my brothers opened up another present from Santa. It was Wii Sports Resort (which I might add is the best game on Earth) and 2 black wii remotes. After we opened presents we ate crepes. Not just crepes, the best crepes on Earth. The ones made by my dad. Later on my grandparents came over and we had dinner.It was very delicious. We played wii  and board games for the rest of that day. It was a great Christmas!


Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Basketball started today and trust me it is not one of my favorite sports. Soccer is still in the lead. So this morning I had to get up at 5:45 this morning and that took a lot of effort. Then I had to go to school get into my basketball shoes and start dribbling down the court. That practice was hard work. I was exhausted by the time it was done. Then I had to face school. I was so tired I was really hyper and then tired. Hyper then tired. Hyper then tired. By the end of school I was ready to go to bed.

Mariners Game

This happened in the summer but I am going to write about it anyway. I went to a Mariners game with my friend Gretta (hey gretta I almost said with my fratata but the people who are reading this wouldn't know what I was talking about). It was so much fun! On the way there we watched a couple of movies and talked a lot. When we got to Seattle we walked to Safeco Field. We went into the store to buy souvenires. That took about an hour. Then we went to find our seats. We were right above first base so we had a great view. The game was awesome. The Mariners won! On the way home I fell asleep and so did everyone in the car except for the driver. When we got home it was almost 1:00 am. I ran over to my house and jumped into bed. The End

New blog!

So I made a new blog that is going to be random stuff that I am doing or I will just talk about anything. I made this new blog with the help of Silas Abbott. Thanks for the help!