Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Guess what? We got a puppy!! He is a golden doodle( mix between a golden retriever and a standard poodle). His name is Owen. He was born on February 5th 2010.He has the cutest eyes and when he looks up at you your heart melts. He is a very mellow puppy. He barks all night long and keeps us all up all night. Do you want to hear the story of how we got him? Well I will tell you anyway.

The story of how we ended up with the perfect dog.

On monday night me, Eli, Ethan and my mom were all sitting at the kitchen counter eating pizza. It was around 7:30 and my dad was going to come home any minute. All of a sudden we hear the garage creak open and close. He was home! We all turned around and saw him holding this bundle of fur. I thought to myself, that is the wierdest pillow I have ever seen. Then a head popped up! I couldnt believe it! It was a puppy! We all rushed over and said," Where did this dog come from?" There was a few seconds of silence then Eli said,"Can we keep him?" My dad just stood there smiling. "Guys meet your new puppy!" Thats when chaos started. We were all asking questions and trying to pet our new puppy. finally the dog got handed over to me and we all sat down. "This puppy is a golden doodle. It is 2 1/2 months old,"said my dad. I think we were all wondering the same thing. What are we going to name it? After a lot of deciding and brainstorming we decided on the name Owen. We all were so excited! We have a dog!!!! And that is the story of how we got our first puppy Owen.

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