Wednesday, August 18, 2010


As you might have heard I went to Silverwood!! It is amazing!!!!!!!!!! You might be thinking, "I am not a rollercoaster person so I shouldnt go." Thats soooo not true!!! There is tons of other stuff to do!! My personal favorite rides were: thunder canyon, this log ride thing, rollercoasters, and the stuff at boulder beach water park!! Me, my dad, and Ethan went on timber terror which is one of the wooden rollercoasters!! I was freaking out while I was waiting in line because this was my first rollercoaster!! When we finally got on I screamed my head off and Ethan almost fainted!! So we found out that I am a rollercoaster person and Ethan is not!! Ethan after that had had enough of rides!! I went on lots more!! Eli and Ethan did this mine digging thing where you dig for polished rocks!! The next day we went to Boulder Beach Water Park. It was really fun!! I went on this raft ride thing that I thought was really fun but Ethan thought it was really boring!! I looooooooved the wave pool!! I learned how to ride the waves!! We set our stuff by polliwog park which i sort of liked since it had lots of slides but everywhere you went you had to close your eyes otherwise water would somehow splash into them!!! We all had a good time!!